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Director, Buy a Piece of Israel
Founder, L'Ma'an Ha'am

35 Million Shekels to Upgrade Bennett’s Ra’anana Residence

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am sitting here in Netanya looking out at the sea.  The view of the Mediterranean Sea is a picture of flawless natural beauty as the sun begins to set this evening.  The waters are calm and the reflections on the water from the almost red ball that is the sun at this hour, are absolutely stunning.  Combine this with the special calmness and you can understand some of the many benefits of living in our promised and most magical land.

It is the land and many of its loyal residents who cherish it and appreciate this most wonderful gift from the Almighty that beckons the rest of the Jewish Nation to come home, to be fetched from the 4 corners of the earth as promised in the Bible.  With just under half of the world’s Jews now living in Eretz Yisrael, the process of the coming of the final redemption is indisputable.  The questions that still remain are how and when and who? 

I can only tell you that the government of Israel, the judiciary, the Israeli media, the Jewish Establishment, and the select few families who control 50% of the publicly traded corporations in Israel, will not hasten the coming of our redemption.  In fact, they are delaying it by forcing policies on the Nation that hinder us from truly being a free Nation in our Land.

While there are many, many points that could be made in a longer article to prove this, let us look at something current and in my view horrific for the near future of the Nation.  His name is Naftali Bennett.  He is currently the interim Prime Minister of the State of Israel.

But He Wears A Kipa

Naftali Bennett is the first kipa wearing Prime Minister in the modern State of Israel.  Yet, he is partners with the most anti-religious propagandist, Yair Lapid.  His is the first government coalition to officially include an Arab party, and not just any Arab party.  Mansour Abbas the head of this party, is a self-declared Palestinian who has supported Hamas and works tirelessly to de-Judaize the State of Israel.  To entice this enemy into joining the government, Mr. Bennett agreed to give Mr. Abbas the sum of 500,000,000 shekels to be used at his own discretion to aid his beloved Arab causes in Israel.  Furthermore, Mr. Bennett has agreed to allow the wholesale illegal confiscation of much of the State’s land in the Negev by Bedouin and the legalization of several of their illegally built towns.  Mr. Bennett also has been quick with his Jewish leftist partners to destroy some Jewish homes in Judea/Samaria within his first month in power.  It is also obvious that the court order to destroy the illegal Bedouin community near Maale Adumim will be ignored as it was by the previous liar, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Our kipa wearing Prime Minister would never be elected Prime Minister in any Western country and he wasn’t in Israel either.  His party won approximately 5% of the electorate.  In any normal democracy this doesn’t happen.  To achieve his goal Bennett simply had to ignore his constituents by lying.   He just did an about face concerning all of his election pledges, including not to form a government with Lapid or the left, and definitely not to sit in a government with any of the Arab parties.  In brief, he has betrayed his voters and even with their original support, was not supported by most Jews in Israel.

No Debates = No Accountability to the People

The last public debate between top politicians in Israel was the debate between Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres just prior to the 1996 National elections.  There hasn’t been a single debate since then.  People run for mayor. No debates.  People run for Knesset.  No debates.  Prime Minister. No debates.  The public have no real opportunity to press the politicians to be more representative of their values and concerns.

Thousands of small companies in Israel were forced into bankruptcy because of severe pandemic laws that restricted them from opening for months.  Yet, some of Israel’s largest businesses flourished.  The politicians received all or most of their salaries.  Today, Israel’s great economy has one of the highest rates of poverty in the Western world!

Future writings will display how the tax system and government regulation are a huge albatross around the necks of the hard working Israeli public.  Yet, the newly crowned Prime Minister, Bennett, in my opinion takes the cake.

Bennett Has Chosen To Stay In R’aanana

Naftali Bennett is a multi-millionaire in US dollars.  Most of it has come from his success in selling profitable high tech companies.  I have no problem with that.  Suffice to say, he doesn’t need the high government paid salary and its many perks.  He lives with his wife and 4 children in an expensive private house in upscale Ra’anana.  Mr. Bennett’s agreed term to be Prime Minister is a short 2 years in a set rotation basis.  This means objectively, that he won’t be Prime Minster for more than 2 years.  He may be Prime Minister for much less time, because all odds makers agree that this ridiculous combination of political parties will not last the full 4 plus year mandate.  This hasn’t discouraged Naftali Bennett the new ‘Prince’ of Israel.  Even though the official Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem, that is close by to the Knesset where Bennett works has been upgraded, Bennett the great father of children has declared that his family must remain for his time as Prime Minister in their current dwelling in R’anana.  It is because the position of Prime Minister is so important that today it has been declared that the Bennett residence will be upgraded for security purposes at the cost of 35,000,000 shekels, about 11,000,000 dollars!  And….they are negotiating to rent his neighbor’s dwelling for a mere 35,000 shekels per month, about 11,000 dollars per month. 

Who is paying for this?  Every tax payer in Israel is paying for this.  Do I care that he wants his children to continue in their current private school versus one in Jerusalem for this short time period?  Are you aware that this is barely a news story in this small country of so many poor and way overburdened middle class citizens? 

Are you aware that almost no one from the politicians in Israel has made any noise about this?

Do you know why?

It is because this is how things work in Israel.  They do what they want and we pay.  Many with taxes and some with foreign donations.  The rulers have no shame to break promises about religious status quo laws.  They have no shame about not smashing terrorists.  They have no shame about breaking promises about Jewish sovereignty over historically Jewish holy lands.  They have no shame about breaking promises about cutting down the size of government.  It is because they have no shame and there is no accountability that this game never ends and the insults to the pride and dignity of the People of Israel continues unabated.

This is why it is way past time for someone to get up and say, “Enough!”

L’Ma’an Ha’am, meaning for the Good of the People, will not be just another political party.  Not just some Hebrew letters on a voting paper like the others.

L’Ma’an Ha’am will be a movement that represents the People and the People’s real interests, because all of its representatives will be from the People, from the many communities who have no collective voice.  Someone must get up in the Knesset every morning and win, lose, or draw, fight for the rights and dignity of the Jewish People for a Jewish State.  Someone must stand up in the municipalities and fight to eliminate useless jobs given to friends of the mayor and his/her ruling party.  Somebody has to fight to break the monopolies here that make so many consumer products much higher priced than anywhere else.  The People need a voice, not spineless, selfish, shameless liars.

If you agree, please join us and stay tuned.  If you like the way things are, I’m sorry, but you will deserve what you have accepted.  Time for a change. 

L’Ma’an Ha’am


On Key

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