Independence Day Yom Ha’atzmaut



Director, Buy a Piece of Israel
Founder, L'Ma'an Ha'am

74 years since the declaration of the founding of the State of Israel.

Are we really independent?

Today in 2022, Israel is a world leader in Hi Tech, Bio Tech, Water Conservation, etc. Israel has one of the highest longevity rates in the world. Of course, the average Israeli is severely overtaxed and bureaucracy is still overbearing even with the advances in Hi Tech. The politicians are still deep in bed with the crony capitalists who control far too much of Israel’s growing economy.  It is still far too difficult and burdensome to start and manage a small business than it should be. The cost of housing is ridiculous and the media is not revealing the truth which is that the government is purposely doing little to make housing affordable for young Israelis because the government coffers benefit from the situation.  Easily, small new towns could be developed in the Galilee in the North, the Negev in the South, and Judea/Samaria in the East.  93% of the land is controlled by the government and Keren Kayemet (JNF).

Young couples, army veterans, etc, could be offered plots of land to build houses in the proposed development areas.  These communities should be built with the electric railway system having a station in each community.

Taxes can be reduced by lowering government massive waste.  Too many army staff have drivers.  Too many cabinet ministries that do nothing.  Judges that are not elected and have too much power and receive salaries 10 and 12 and 13 times the National average.  Regional councils of tiny populations located next to other regional councils of tiny populations that pay too many high salaries for political lackeys to do nothing all day for its neighboring citizens, when the first thing to do is to combine many of these municipalities, and cut out these frivolous unnecessary tax paid positions.  Competition on the docks for unloading the ships would drop wages from as high as 80,000 shekels per month to normal fair wages.  The list goes on and on. The point is that the average Israeli is too busy trying to make a living and and acquire a residence to think independently.  Therefore, too many Israelis don’t feel very independent.

What about the country as a whole?  Is Israel an Independent country? 

Take a look at Gaza.  When murderers send rockets, fire bombs, etc, to burn houses, kill Jews, blow up buildings, etc, why does the Israeli government tolerate it? 

The Temple Mount, the holiest place to Jews in the world:  Why does the Israeli government tolerate the desecration, violence, rioting, from  the Arabs who visit and occupy the Temple Mount?

Why do Arabs feel brazen enough to openly antagonize, assault, and intimidate Jews in the middle of the country on a daily basis?

The answer to the above is because the leaders who are running the State of Israel are not independent.  They want the approval of the United States, France, England, and the rest of world.  The policy is too often, “What will the Nations say?”, instead of, “Is it good for the Jews?”.

Many religious Jews question whether we should celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut. Some of them question whether we should celebrate Yom Yerushalyim (Jerusalem Day) commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem when so much of Jerusalem is dangerous for Jews to travel in. Well in this writer’s opinion, Independence is a state of mind.  As it says on the New Hampshire license plate, “Live free or die”.   It is not for nothing that after 2,000 years 7,000,000 Jews are walking the streets in the land of Israel speaking Hebrew.

It is not for nothing that 7 Arab armies failed to wash the streets with Jewish blood in Tel Aviv in 1948. It is not for nothing that Israel captured the Sinai, the Golan, Judea/Samaria, and East Jerusalem in 6 days in 1967 while fighting 3 Arab armies who had many more soldiers, tanks, planes, bombs, etc. It is because G-d is on our side.  After so many years of Exile, independent Jews sacrificed and began to come back to our Promised Land and made deserts bloom while draining swamps. G-d has given us the tools.  It is up to us as individuals and as a Nation to have faith and do our part.

The Red Sea would not have parted unless Jews showed faith by walking into the water.  Once 1 Jew showed complete faith the water began to separate. I don’t celebrate Yom Ha’aztmaut because of Israel’s politicians and connected people.  I celebrate the gift that we have received from G-d in combination with those who gave their lives for our future in this land.

I celebrate what could be if we unite and create a truly independent country in our Land with leaders who believe in the words of the prophets of the Bible instead of the financial profits and prestige of simply being in power.

Chag Sameach!


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